1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Solanum lycopersicum

(VFFNASt) Earlier than Jet Star and with better disease resistance. Juicy 8 oz fruits, huge … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

(VFASt) Bright red fruits with heavy walls average about 7 oz. Disease resistant. Indeterminate vines.

Bella Rosa

Solanum lycopersicum

(VFFAStTSWV) Large, bright red tomatoes. Good acid/sugar balance.


Solanum lycopersicum

Cultivated by the Native American tribe, productive plants produce rose to purple colored and also … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Large 12 oz–2 lbs fruits are firm, meaty with thick walls, few seeds and mild … Continued


Solanum lycopersicum

Enormous, uniquely yellow-red striped beefsteak fruit. 5”+ meaty, mild flavor. Great yields. Indeterminate.


Solanum lycopersicum

Dates back to 1885 and considered to be the world’s best tomato. Extra-large fruit up … Continued

Black Brandywine

Solanum lycopersicum

Prolific yielder with black, oval-shaped fruits with an earthy, smokey flavor and a firm texture.

Yellow Brandywine

Solanum lycopersicum

Golden-yellow with yields of large fruits. Super sweet slicer.

Caspian Pink

Solanum lycopersicum

Originally from Russia. Excellent for fresh eating! Indeterminate.

Mr. Stripey

Solanum lycopersicum

Red and yellow-striped. Mild and very low in acid. Indeterminate.

German Johnson

Solanum lycopersicum

Mild-flavored, meaty, rough, 12–24 oz fruits with pink skins and yellow shoulders. Indeterminate.