‘Sweet Kate’ spiderwort
Tradescantia hybrid
‘Sweet Kate’ is a compact, clump-forming, hybrid spiderwort with bright yellow foliage. It typically grows … Continued
Tradescantia hybrid
‘Sweet Kate’ is a compact, clump-forming, hybrid spiderwort with bright yellow foliage. It typically grows … Continued
Tricyrtis formosana 'Gilt Edge'
Arching stems with lance-shaped leaves of green and edged in gold are topped in late … Continued
Veronica prostrata ‘Sunshine’
Veronicas produce some of the clearest true blues available in perennials. This easy-to-grow prostrate cultivar … Continued
Opuntia cochenillifera f. variegata
Cousin of the native prickly pear, this rare cactus features swirling variegation on the pads. … Continued
Weigela florida 'Variegata'
Gracefully arching branches are covered with 1″ funnel-shaped pale pink blooms which are especially attractive … Continued
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'
‘Color Guard’ is a gold-centered variegated yucca with excellent ornamental qualities. It features leaves with … Continued