spotted leopard plant, silver squill
Ledebouria socialis ‘Violacea’
One of the most widely cultivated bulbs, favored by cactus and succulent growers. It is … Continued
Ledebouria socialis ‘Violacea’
One of the most widely cultivated bulbs, favored by cactus and succulent growers. It is … Continued
Stachys officinalis ‘Cotton Candy’
Selected for continuous bloom, deep green foliage, and compact habit, ‘Pink Cotton Candy’ sports two-toned … Continued
Stachys byzantina
Soft, thick, woolly silver foliage stays low to the ground. 12-15″ flower stalks emerge in … Continued
Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Snow Flurry'
The ‘Snow Flurry’ selection has a compact spreading habit and forms a ground cover with … Continued
Tillandsia species
Tillandsias are very hardy and require much less attention than other house plants. Provided the … Continued
Tradescantia zebrina
A very popular trailing plant for indoor containers typically grows to 6” tall, but creeps … Continued