‘Royalty’ bugleweed
Ajuga reptans 'Royalty'
Dark burgundy to black foliage with bright blue flowers makes a great low-mainetance groundcover that … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Royalty'
Dark burgundy to black foliage with bright blue flowers makes a great low-mainetance groundcover that … Continued
Alocasia princeps 'Purple Cloak'
This rare Alocaisa from Malaysia has V-shaped leaves with a high glossy dark green-blue-silver top … Continued
Alternanthera bettzickiana 'Ariba'
Structure plant with intense red colored leaves. Strongly branched, dense habit. Tolerant of heat and … Continued
Alternanthera dentata 'Little Ruby'
Dark black-purple foliage adds foliage contrast and fine texture. Plants won’t crowd out others in … Continued
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Red Threads'
A slender-leaved annual selection that doesn’t wander, forming a textured carpet in shades of deep … Continued
Amaranthus cruentus 'Oeschberg'
Purple-tinged foliage and eggplant plurple flower spikes make a striking back of border show. A … Continued
Amaranthus caudatus
A staple grain for Mayans, Aztecs, and the Incas, Victorian English gardens took up this … Continued
Amaranthus tricolor
Colorful, ornamental leaves are also edible, and may be eaten as a salad vegetable. In Africa, … Continued
Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks'
A cultivar of native prairie grass that has taken the gardening world by storm. Foliage … Continued
Astilbe arendsii ‘Color Flash’
A kaleidoscope of color from through fall! Foliage emerges with a mix of green, variegated … Continued
Athyrium niponicum ‘Pictum’
Perennial Plant Association 2004 Perennial Plant of the Year! Striking silvery-grey fronds are dusty purple … Continued
Ocimum sanctum
The true sacred basil grown in India. Clove-scented leaves are used in salads and other … Continued