cypress spurge
Euphorbia cyparissias
Narrow blue-green foliage resembles spruce or cypress and spreads by rhizome to form a low, … Continued
Euphorbia cyparissias
Narrow blue-green foliage resembles spruce or cypress and spreads by rhizome to form a low, … Continued
Dicentra hybrid
‘Pink Diamonds’ explodes with flowers in late spring to early summer and blooms throughout the … Continued
Echeveria shaviana 'Pink Frills'
Blue-green leaves are edged in delicate neon-pink fringe. Prefers some afternoon shade in summer. Pictured … Continued
Eryngium planum
An outstanding hardy unusual ornamental that thrives in hot dry locations and blooms in summer … Continued
Eryngium yuccifolium
Beautiful native growing to 4′ tall with glaucus, yucca-like foliage topped with clusters of white, … Continued
Eucalyptus cinerea
Fragrant silvery round leaves are used in fresh and dried arrangements. Potted plants grow 24-36” … Continued
Festuca glauca
Lovely 10″ selection with blue color that holds up well throughout the summer. Wonderful planted … Continued
Fothergilla × intermedia 'Blue Shadow'
White honey-scented flowers at branch tips on a mounded shrub featuring two-tone blue-green foliage in … Continued
Hosta ‘Awakening Angel’
Forms a loose mound of deep blue foliage. The spear-shaped leaf blade is narrow pointed, … Continued
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a huge … Continued
Hosta 'Blue Angel'
Largest of the blue hostas, the pointed, silver-blue leaves form a dense, cascading mound. White, … Continued
Hosta (Deckert 2000)
This miniature hosta has blue, rounded, mounding foliage growing 8”h x 19”w. Pale purple flowers … Continued