Hosta ‘August Moon’
Hosta ‘August Moon’
Bright green heart-shaped corrugated leaves are slug and sun-resistant. Pale lavender flowers in late summer. … Continued
Hosta ‘August Moon’
Bright green heart-shaped corrugated leaves are slug and sun-resistant. Pale lavender flowers in late summer. … Continued
Hosta ‘Gold Standard’
Creating excellent foliage contrast, heart-shaped foliage emerges green and matures to golden with a dark … Continued
Hosta 'Great Expectations'
A slow grower with thick, puckered, broadly ovate leaves with excellent slug resistance. Wide, irregular, … Continued
Hosta 'Island Breeze'
Wide, dark green margins contrast with bright yellow centers in early spring. Centers become more … Continued
Hosta 'Lemon Lime'
An excellent small chartreuse hostas for the shade border, this fast-grower forms an 8″ wide … Continued
Hosta 'Luna Moth'
The heart-shaped leaves of ‘Luna Moth’ are dark green with a chartreuse margin in spring … Continued
Hosta 'Olive Bailey Langdon'
Large corrugated round leaves are blue-green with a wide gold margin forms a large mound … Continued
Hosta 'Squash Casserole'
20 inches tall by 50 inches wide clumps are formed by corrugated, greenish leaves that turn … Continued
Hosta x 'Sum and Substance'
One of the largest and most popular of hostas, this award winner has huge leaves … Continued
Hosta 'Sun Power'
A vigorous bright gold hosta that holds it’s color well. Leaves are twisted and pointed … Continued
Humulus lupulus ‘Aureus’
This fast-growing vine is best known for its inclusion in beer brewing, Hops are often … Continued
Ipomea batatas 'Marguerite'
‘Marguerite’ has heat and drought tolerant tumbling vines grow 3-6′ long and contrast beautifully with … Continued