1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

staghorn sumac

Rhus typhina

Grows in any well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of urban conditions. … Continued

royal catchfly

Silene regia

Hummingbirds and swallowtail butterflies are attracted to this bright red flowering native. Sticky glands cover … Continued

Hosta venusta

Hosta venusta (Maekawa)

Teardrop-shaped green leaves form the smallest species of hosta! Excellent for a trough, container or rock garden. … Continued

Hosta ‘August Moon’

Hosta ‘August Moon’

Bright green heart-shaped corrugated leaves are slug and sun-resistant. Pale lavender flowers in late summer. … Continued

American wisteria

Wisteria frutescens

Blooms in early summer and can rebloom later in the season. Give it the sturdy … Continued

‘Bernadine’ Clematis

Clematis ‘Bernadine’

This stunner produces masses of large light blue flowers with contrasting red anthers. It’s amazing … Continued