Hosta ‘Big Daddy’
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a huge … Continued
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Described as one of the best large blue hostas available, ‘Big Daddy’ forms a huge … Continued
Hosta Shadowland® 'Autumn Frost'
This striking hosta forms a medium-sized mound of showy, frosty blue leaves with extra-wide, bright … Continued
Hosta 'Angel Falls'
‘Angel Falls’ forms a rounded mound of cascading green leaves that gradually transform to ivory … Continued
Hibiscus 'Peppermint Schnapps'
This hybrid has large 8-10 inch, coral-pink flowers dashed with streaks of deep reddish-pink throughout … Continued
Hibiscus 'Mocha Moon'
Huge 7-8”, slightly cupped pure white flowers have a scarlet red eye that bleeds a … Continued
Hibiscus 'Luna Pink Swirl'
Enormous 6 to 8 inch blooms are produced in abundance from mid-summer to early autumn. … Continued
Hibiscus 'Lord Baltimore'
The hardy forms of hibiscus are valued for their showy late-summer display of enormous blooms. … Continued
Hemerocallis 'Moses Fire'
Beautiful double blooms of deep fire ember red with ruffled edges. A great rebloomer.
Hemerocallis 'Mary Todd'
Six-inch pastel yellow blooms open in midsummer on carefree, easy-to-grow hardy plants.
Hemerocallis 'Double Pardon Me'
‘Double Pardon Me’ has flowers with as many as 18 tepals in beautiful deep wine … Continued
Hemerocallis 'Bertie Ferris'
Beautiful miniature apricot-colored blooms with lightly ruffled edges.
Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum
This fragrant native spreads by rhizomes readily. Small white flowers on branched spires are packed … Continued