‘Autumn Snow’ evergreen candytuft
Iberis sempervirens 'Autumn Snow'
An heirloom favorite, candytuft is a charming plant with excellent drought tolerance. It makes a … Continued
Iberis sempervirens 'Autumn Snow'
An heirloom favorite, candytuft is a charming plant with excellent drought tolerance. It makes a … Continued
Yucca filamentosa 'Color Guard'
‘Color Guard’ is a gold-centered variegated yucca with excellent ornamental qualities. It features leaves with … Continued
Verbena bonariensis
Tender perennial is winter hardy to USDA Zones 7-10. In colder zones, grow as an … Continued
[Coryphantha] Escobaria vivipara
2″ bright magenta open in May-June, followed by fleshy, greenish-purple fruits. As the evergreen, ball-shaped … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
Blue flower spikes in spring above variegated white, green, and burgundy foliage. Tolerant of deep … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Valfredda'
Narrow, burgundy leaves grow only 4″ high and are topped in late spring by purple-blue … Continued
Begonia coccinea
Angel wing begonias prefer bright, indirect light year-round. When wintering indoors, water when the soil dries … Continued
Vinca minor/Vinca major
One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued
Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegatum'
Densely foliaged fast covering groundcover with silver edged leaves, this easy to grow plant sports … Continued
Adenophera liliifolia 'Amethyst'
This Asian Campanula relative grows to 30” tall, with spikes of flaring lavender-blue bells summer … Continued