1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

copper spoons

Kalanchoe orgyalis 'Baker'

Copper-colored leaves fold upward from the middle and are a bronze to gray color on … Continued

pincushion cactus, spinystar

[Coryphantha] Escobaria vivipara

2″ bright magenta open in May-June, followed by fleshy, greenish-purple fruits. As the evergreen, ball-shaped … Continued

angel wing begonia

Begonia coccinea

Angel wing begonias prefer bright, indirect light year-round. When wintering indoors, water when the soil dries … Continued

vinca, periwinkle

Vinca minor/Vinca major

One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued

‘Amethyst’ ladybells

Adenophera liliifolia 'Amethyst'

This Asian Campanula relative grows to 30” tall, with spikes of flaring lavender-blue bells summer … Continued