1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

dwarf Korean lilac

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'

A smaller-sized lilac with reddish purple buds opening to fragrant, pale lilac flowers. Blooms profusely … Continued

common lilac

Syringa vulgaris

Common lilacs are mid-season spring bloomers typically flowering in mid-May in lavender or white. We … Continued


Forsythia x intermedia

This hardy, deciduous, shrub has an irregular upright, arching habit. Forsythias need room to grow … Continued

Clematis ‘Rebecca’

Clematis 'Rebecca'

Gorgeously lush 5- to 7″ bright red blooms with purple undertones and yellow anthers. Incredibly … Continued

black cherry

Prunus serotina

This native ranges from southeastern Canada through the eastern US, and west to Texas. White … Continued

Chinese meadow rue

Thalictrum delavayi

Lavender flowers with contrasting yellow stamens mass in large, wiry-branched, airy sprays rising above the … Continued

Virginia bluebells

Mertensia virginica

Clusters of trumpet-shaped blue flowers open in early spring. Flower buds are pink and emerge … Continued

old-fashioned spirea

Spiraea × vanhouttei

Old-fashioned spirea is often found in established landscapes around older homes. This handsome arching, loose … Continued