White Heath Aster
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Wiry, branching stems are covered in small glossy green, needle-like leaves and a snowstorm of … Continued
Symphyotrichum ericoides
Wiry, branching stems are covered in small glossy green, needle-like leaves and a snowstorm of … Continued
Verbesina alternifolia
1-2 inch yellow blooms in late summer. Aggressive growth habit, but a great native plant … Continued
Ipomea quamoclit
A member of the Morning Glory family, with attractive scarlet flowers and fern-like foliage. Grows … Continued
Pennisetum Cayenne™
Long and late blooming toasted-brown bottlebrush plumes rise just above rich-green arching blades beginning in … Continued
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Ginger Love'
Big, showy, upright, red plumes appear in late summer and persist through winter on this … Continued
Chrysanthemum x morifolium
Mums are tough plants when planted in the right conditions and cared for properly. They … Continued
Origanum hybrid
Bright chartreuse yellow foliage is topped with mauve-pink flowers starting in summer. The leaves are … Continued
Hydrangea serrata 'Tiny Tuff Stuff'
This super hardy reblooming hydrangea produces abundant lacecap flowers and reblooms. Flower color ranges from … Continued
Gentiana andrewsii
These slow-growing natives are long-lived and require little care once established. Bumblebees are the main … Continued
Cynanchum laeve
This twining vine has heart-shaped leaves and white flower clusters following in late summer and … Continued
Bracteantha bracteatum {Helichrysum bracteatum}
Strawflowers are excellent for bouquets or in the garden, but are best know for their … Continued
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'
This compact oakleaf hydrangea produces large panicles of white flowers that change to pink, then … Continued