1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Collier’ daylily

Hemerocallis hybrids

Other apricot-colored daylilies will look dull in comparison to this vibrant, crowd-pleasing variety. ‘Collier’ is … Continued

angel wing begonia

Begonia coccinea

Angel wing begonias prefer bright, indirect light year-round. When wintering indoors, water when the soil dries … Continued


Borago officinalis

Big fuzzy plant bears uncommonly true-blue flowers which are prized for garnishes and salads from … Continued

cardinal climber

Ipomoea x multifida

Large, glossy green leaves with fingers have a fantastic tropical palm-like look. Vigorous growing vines … Continued


Datura inoxia, Datura metel

Showy large white blooms open over rich dark foliage and deep red stems punctuated with … Continued