1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

hyacinth bean vine

Dolichos lablab

With striking foliage, flowers, and seed pods, this vigorous grower covers fence and arbor quickly … Continued


Gazania rigens

Short, sturdy stems sport large daisy-like flowers. Excellent for bouquets. A rainbow of colors including … Continued

petunia ‘Crazytunia’

Petunia hybrids

Crazytunias offer such exciting colors! ‘Crazytunia Star Jubilee’ is a yellow and black bicolor. ‘Crazytunia Mandeville’ is … Continued


Brachyscome Blue Zephyr™

Lacy foliage and small, blue daisy-like blooms make great contrasting filler in annual combos. Blooms … Continued


Browallia 'Endless® Illumination'

A beautiful alternative to Impatiens walleriana for shady gardens and patio planters. Brilliant violet purple blooms … Continued