1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

passion vine, maypop

Passiflora incarnata

This perennial vine grows up to 25′ long and climbs with tendrils. 3″ lavender flowers … Continued

dwarf bee balm

Monarda didyma

Monarda didyma ‘Balmy Pink’ is a dwarf plant covered in lavender-rose blooms in summer.  ‘Balmy Purple’ sports … Continued

Iris ‘Immortality’

Iris germanica

Pure white blooms with a light lemon-yellow beard. Vigorous rebloomer. Fragrant. German bearded iris are … Continued

snowdrop windflower

Anemone sylvestris

Nodding white blooms in early to mid-spring and again in fall over lustrous dense green … Continued

bird’s foot violet

Viola pedata

Bird’s foot violet has purple flowers with orange centers. The leaves are shaped like bird’s … Continued

scented geranium

Pelargonium hybrids

Grown primarily for their distinctively scented foliage, scented geraniums also have beautiful delicate blooms in … Continued