‘Hot Lips’ pink Lyon’s turtlehead
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'
Striking pink spikes of snapdragon-like flowers open over spreading foliage in late summer. Thrives in … Continued
Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips'
Striking pink spikes of snapdragon-like flowers open over spreading foliage in late summer. Thrives in … Continued
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Native annual with pinnately-compound leaves with small leaflets that fold together when touched. Showy yellow … Continued
Boltonia asteroides
Small daisy-like flowers open in loose panicles profusely from late summer to early fall. Flowers … Continued
Berlandiera lyrata
Mounded, gray-green velvety foliage has a chocolate aroma topped by flower heads with yellow rays … Continued
Buddleia davidii ‘Pink Delight’
Clusters of fragrant, bright pink flowers make an excellent background or accent plant, perfect for … Continued
Oenothera filiformis {Gaura longiflora}
Large-flowered gaura is a great plains prairie plant that establishes quickly to provide late-season bloom. … Continued
Senna alata
A showy addition to any garden, large round leaves fold up at night. Large, upright, … Continued
Coreopsis tripteris
This coreopsis stands tall at 7′ to 9′! Golden-yellow flowers are arranged in a flat-topped … Continued
Clematis 'The President'
Deep purple blooms with purple anthers continuously bloom and do not fade in the sun. … Continued
Clematis 'Josephine'
This stunning variety has flowers with 6-8 base petals which are almost bronze, tinged with … Continued
Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
A widely popular older variety that flowers abundantly on vigorous, hardy vines plants. The large, … Continued
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’
Perennial Plant Association 1998 Perennial Plant of the Year! The classic purple coneflower with rose-pink … Continued