1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Clematis Lindsay™

Clematis Lindsay™, EviGsy

Large purple 6-7″ spring blooms have deep marron-red anthers.  A repeat flowerer, this vine reblooms … Continued

Clematis ‘Charmaine’

Clematis Charmaine Evipo022

Rich red double, semi-double, and single flowers bloom from late spring to midsummer and rebloom … Continued

zigzag goldenrod

Solidago flexicaulis

Spikes of golden flowers open on black stems that zigzag. Like all goldenrods zigzag supports … Continued

Spilled Wine® weigela

Weigela florida Spilled Wine®

Fabulous deep purple foliage and bright pink flowers. This easy-to-grow shrub grows wider than tall, … Continued

million bells

Calibrachoa x hybrida

Grow them in pots, hanging baskets and window boxes. These annuals are known for their … Continued