‘Royal Red’ butterfly bush
Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Purplish-red blooms attract pollinators from summer until frost. Long panicles grow an amazing 8″ long … Continued
Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red'
Purplish-red blooms attract pollinators from summer until frost. Long panicles grow an amazing 8″ long … Continued
Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight'
‘Black Kight’ produces striking deep purple blooms from summer through frost. Long panicles grow an … Continued
Digitalis × mertonensis
Easily grown in average, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade with consistent moisture. … Continued
Dalea candida
White flowering spikes bloom over airy, delicate foliage. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun. White … Continued
Tiarella cordifolia
Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. Mature plants send … Continued
Liatris spicata 'Alba'
Large, shaggy blooms cover tall spikes in late summer. An excellent butterfly nectar source. This … Continued
Agastache 'Rosie Posie'
Loads of hot pink flowers with magenta-purple calyxes just at the top of the foliage … Continued
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal flowers bloom with tall spikes of lipstick red flowers in August in moist soil. … Continued
Lobelia siphilitica
Lobelia siphilitica is a showy native with light to dark blue flowers in late summer. … Continued
Actaea {Cimicifuga} racemosa 'Chocoholic'
The deepest dark purple upright foliage is contrasted by white, foot-tall bottlebrush blooms late in … Continued
Silene regia
Hummingbirds and swallowtail butterflies are attracted to this bright red flowering native. Sticky glands cover … Continued
Kniphofia uvaria ‘Gold Rush’
Many red and yellow flower spikes open brightly all summer summer atop a low-growing, thick … Continued