1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

zigzag goldenrod

Solidago flexicaulis

Spikes of golden flowers open on black stems that zigzag. Like all goldenrods zigzag supports … Continued


Pontederia cordata

A vigorous marginal aquatic perennial native to stream and pond margins. In the wild plants … Continued

bottlebrush buckeye

Aesculus parviflora

Aesculus parviflora is easily grown in average soil in part to full shade and features … Continued

‘Red Head’ Fountain Grass

Pennisetum alopecuriodes 'Red Head'

One of the earliest-flowering fountain grasses, ‘Red Head’ produces showy bottlebrush plumes that emerge burgundy … Continued

Allegheny spurge

Pachysandra procumbens

An excellent low perennial ground cover for shady areas, spreading with long rhizomes. Toothed leaves crowd … Continued

Yellow wild indigo

Baptisia sphaerocarpa

Showy upright, mounded native with yellow, pea-like blooms along yellow-green stems rising above a foliage … Continued

Spiny bear’s breeches

Acanthus spinosus

With bold, eye-catching foliage and striking flower spikes, this impressive perennial fills space with dramatic … Continued