1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Hardy Fall Mums

Chrysanthemum x morifolium

Mums are tough plants when planted in the right conditions and cared for properly. They … Continued

‘Isla Gold’ Tansy

Tanacetum vulgare 'Isla Gold'

Lacy, deer-resistant foliage emerges bright gold in early spring and holds its brilliant color until … Continued

Dutchman’s pipe

Aristolochia macrophylla

An eastern American native deciduous, woody, climbing vine that grows rapidly to 20-30′. This heirloom … Continued

round-leaved ragwort

Packera obovata

An attractive groundcover with basal foliage growing only 4-6″ tall. Beautiful naturalized with other low-growing … Continued

Itoh peony

Paeonia x intersectional

Intersectional peonies are a relatively new class of Paeonia created by crossing herbaceous garden peonies … Continued

Indian blanket

Gaillardia pulchella

Indian blanket is a bright native annual! It is easy to establish in dry to … Continued


Bracteantha bracteatum {Helichrysum bracteatum}

Strawflowers are excellent for bouquets or in the garden, but are best know for their … Continued