Clematis ‘Charmaine’
Clematis Charmaine Evipo022
Rich red double, semi-double, and single flowers bloom from late spring to midsummer and rebloom … Continued
Clematis Charmaine Evipo022
Rich red double, semi-double, and single flowers bloom from late spring to midsummer and rebloom … Continued
Trillium erectum
Trillium erectum produces striking wine-red blooms in spring. Red trillium, also called red wakerobin, stinking … Continued
Calibrachoa x hybrida
Grow them in pots, hanging baskets and window boxes. These annuals are known for their … Continued
Nelumbo 'Red Light'
Ideal in a bowl garden on a patio, this brilliant red flowering hardy lotus also … Continued
Amaryllis belladonna
These South African bulbs are a staple of holiday decor, producing gigantic showy blooms in … Continued
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Elegant cut flowers on strong, slender stems in a wide range of colors including black, … Continued
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cappucino'
Huge 4″ blooms are beautiful bronzy red-orange bicolor with darker centers. Great for cut flowers, … Continued
Rudbeckia triloba 'Prairie Glow'
A butterfly magnet, this compact, well-branched, and floriferous Rudbeckia produces gold-tipped blooms with bronzy orange … Continued
Ipomea quamoclit
A member of the Morning Glory family, with attractive scarlet flowers and fern-like foliage. Grows … Continued
Chrysanthemum x morifolium
Mums are tough plants when planted in the right conditions and cared for properly. They … Continued
Pennisetum alopecuriodes 'Red Head'
One of the earliest-flowering fountain grasses, ‘Red Head’ produces showy bottlebrush plumes that emerge burgundy … Continued
Achillea millefolium 'New Vintage'
Ferny green foliage makes a nice contrast to other perennials on these hardy, easy-to-grow perennials. … Continued