‘Almost Black’ hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Almost Black'
This hardy waterlily features deep red flowers nearly black at the center. New lily pads … Continued
Nymphaea 'Almost Black'
This hardy waterlily features deep red flowers nearly black at the center. New lily pads … Continued
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Elegant cut flowers on strong, slender stems in a wide range of colors including black, … Continued
Nigella damascena
Beautiful blooms of blue, mauve, pink, purple, and white blooms open over lacy greenery. Unusual … Continued
Baptisia Decadence® 'Dark Chocolate'
Nearly black, charcoal purple flowers appear atop the compact clump of deep blue-green foliage in … Continued
Iris germanica
Dramatic ruffles on inky, dark-colored blooms make a wonderful foil to brighter purple tones. Aromatic. … Continued
Strelitzia reginae Aiton 'Mandela's Gold'
One of the best known of all the tropical flowers and cousin to the banana, … Continued
Petunia hybrids
Crazytunias offer such exciting colors! ‘Crazytunia Star Jubilee’ is a yellow and black bicolor. ‘Crazytunia Mandeville’ is … Continued
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'
‘Black and Blue’ has the most amazing deep blue blooms with black stems.