1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Emma Davison, Doug Davison, Amy Albright and Judy Moser (1998)
Ken ‘Digger’ O’Dell, the man who helped give us our start, with grandkids Anthony and Celie! (2023)

Doug Davison and Amy Albright opened Vinland Valley Nursery in 1998. Nestled in the rolling hills between Lawrence and Baldwin City, their plants are grown organically, and they grow and sell native plants — almost half of the many different perennials, shrubs and trees grown at VVN are native plants — along with other fabulous non-native plants.

Always a family business, Amy’s parents helped VVN get off the ground. Today, all three now grown Davison girls and their partners work in various roles alongside a staff of employees who’ve been around so long they’ve also become family.

The full-service garden center includes gorgeous pottery, locally produced goods, gift items, bulk products including mulch, topsoil, compost, and services including delivery, design, installation, and maintenance. Newer to the scene are seasonal and holiday gifts, events and products, workshops and party reservations, and a U-pick cutting garden.

Whether you seek rare tropicals or prairie plants for a butterfly garden, Vinland Valley Nursery is your destination!

Pets have always been a part of our lives, and we’ve also spent time as wildlife rehabilitators. Amy was one among a tiny staff who ran Wildcare when it was a part of the University of Kansas, and she spent many, many hours caring for all kinds of wonderful wildlings, from tiny hummingbirds to bald eagles, squirrels to bobcats. Having seen firsthand what pesticides, herbicides, and the careless handling and disposal of the by-products of farming and industry can do to birds and mammals alike, it has always been the top priority as nursery and greenhouse operators to do nothing that would harm any pet or wild animal. Having kids further cemented our resolve to be responsible environmental stewards.

When you come to Vinland Valley Nursery, you can rest assured that you will never come into contact with any chemical residue on the grounds, nor will you take any such chemical home with you in your plants that could harm children, pets, or backyard wildlife.

Additionally, you can be sure that we do everything in our power to welcome tiny hummingbirds and bees into our greenhouses, we encourage snakes, frogs, and skinks to do their part in controlling insects and rodents, and we never do anything to endanger the balance of insects, plants and wildlife on our farm. Even our deer are polite about leaving our baby trees alone (mostly). We are delighted to host all creatures on our farm and encourage others to do so.

You can incorporate the same methods we use at the nursery on a smaller scale in your landscape. Making good choices about the types of plants you grow will bring you the greatest amount of success for the least amount of effort and expense.

Planting a wildlife garden or butterfly garden is a great way to begin the transition to sustainable gardening. When you find yourself planting flowers and foliage to provide food and shelter to beneficial bugs, you’ll know you’ve arrived.

Amy releasing a rehabilitated red-tailed hawk.


You can find the plants and products you need to build a healthy garden ecosystem right here at Vinland Valley Nursery.