1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Northern Lights’ tufted hair grass

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Northern Lights'

Striking grass blades are variegated with gray and gold. As summer progresses, blades mature to gold with pinkish tips. Flower stems rise from the foliage to a height of 3′ in early summer bearing wide, airy panicles up to 20″ long of tiny variably-colored flowers of gold, silver, purple and green which form a cloud over the foliage that is particularly attractive when backlit.

‘Northern Lights’ is a cool-season grass that puts on most growth in spring before temperatures begin exceeding 75°F and again in fall when temperatures cool. Maintains good color through the summer but won’t grow much when it is hot. When cutting back in late winter leave about 1/3 of the plant — trimming too harshly can cause irreparable harm. Plants can be divided in spring or early fall.